Aug.12 2013 – Day11


The Last Day Of Tokashiki Island/Midterm Presentation

Today,I want to see the last view of Tokashiki. so I wake up at 4:00, and look around view of Tokashiki island During 7:00.

And, after breakfast, We have Group Discussion. but I can’t see the Group Discussion 7-3. Because They Codinated Me.,….WTF

and Midterm Presentation start.

I can’t remember all of things of Midterm Presentation. I was very nervous.. but, I remember only one things. This is.. Midterm Presentation was very funny and exciting. Every Presentation is very  great, and I can’t move my eyes somewhere.

After the Final Presentation, We had BBQ. but I don’t like BBQ. It is too noisy to eat..

After BBQ, I watched last sunset with many friends. It is very beautiful….

ID: G3-2
Name: Lee Do Hyun
Country: Korea

Today it was our last day at Tokashiki and we also had our midterm presentation. We had been working on it from the last evening, discussing everything with the group, struggling to come at a conclusion and in the morning also we had been given some time to prepare. It was a hard task to prepare for the presentation as the topic was to make a business plan related to saving energy and the future world in 2033.
The presentation started at 2:00 pm and I liked the way all the tutors and facilitators welcomed us in the hall. All the groups presented there business plans. I enjoyed all the presentations but two groups won the best of best award, one was my group, group 2 and the other was group 6. I was really happy and excited. We will be working on topics of both the groups for the final presentation but I also knew that this would be a little difficult. After the final presentation we had a BBQ… it was not that exciting for me as I am a vegetarian and I could only eat vegetables there, although the vegetables were good as well. I even watched sunset that evening and it was beautiful. That’s all we did that day and I can just say… “Bye Tokashiki… and I won’t be anymore able to see the twinkling stars, beautiful sunrise and sunset!!”

ID: G2-1
Name: Agrawal Ashita
Country: India

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