Aug.05 2013 – Day04

Today is a big day for the opening ceremony. In the morning, all of us spent much time choosing our formal clothes. We looked really different and smart in suits or traditional costumes. We started off to Bankoku Shinryokan after breakfast. Happy time on the bus again~ Maybe someone was a bit nervous about the serious moment, because it was said that we were going to be on TV! But the songs on the bus took away all our nervousness. It was only confidence that we had.

We found ourselves in a dream when we got off the bus. The sea was beautiful around us, and the fluffy clouds just floated over the roof. We did rehearsals of the opening ceremony twice. We went onto the stage group by group and everyone made a pose 🙂 Everything went pretty well. Then came a short break. During the break, we took many photos of the sea, and of course, ourselves. This was really a fantastic place of attractive scenery.

Then the opening ceremony began. Everything went well as we expected. Everyone showed his best pose. Later we had a really mouthwatering lunch. For me, I think two full plates of food is not enough! There were also Okinawan traditional dance during the lunch. Everyone went forward to enjoy it.

In the afternoon we had a lecture. The professor was nice, he tried to speak slowly and explained everything in detail. Although the points were sort of abstract, I think we would get them and apply them to our life in the program, and in our future life.

Today was an awesome day. We learned a lot, and enjoyed a lot as well.


ID: G2-2
Name: Luo Yangcheng
Country: China


Today was really amazing! It was the Opening Ceremony at the Bankoku Shinryokan hall, where the G-8 summit took place, I was so excited to be there. Walking into the beautiful grounds, the azure blue sky and the stunning sapphire coloured sea was breathtaking. The flags that lined the opening ceremony hall and on the sidewalk gave a very official and prestigious feel to the ceremony. Everyone was dressed in their national costumes or formally dressed and we all were delighted at each other’s clothes. I remember Jude from the Philippines from my group  6ies Marshmallows (TADAAA!) wearing a shirt made entirely from pineapple fibre, this also inspired our group to think of our winning mid term presentation idea- solar fiber clothing! YAYY! 😀


I was feeling so happy and proud to represent my country Brunei with my friend Kai (other Bruneian participant) for most people it was the first time they saw our national dress: Baju Fashion(Kurung) for me and Cara Melayu for Kai. I was so pleased when a lot of people complimented my dress saying ‘kawaii!’ to it XD It made me really happy. The food was delicious! I am especially appreciative of the Halal food they offered so I got to enjoy a lot of yummy dishes as well as the dessert table that I loved. One of the dessert creams had gold leaf on top which was really fancy to try 😛 Afterwards we had a lecture by a famous professor from Tokyo university, I was really impressed with the work he did, does and is going to do. All in all, an extremely enjoyable and memorable day! To future participants, don’t forget to take photos! It’s a very enjoyable experience and welcome to the AYDPO family ^.^ 😀 Also, while I’m here I’d like to say thank you, thank you, thank you to 6IES MARSHMALLOWS (Tada!) forever and our Sugoi jejeje tutors Thu and Kodai 😀 I love you all.


With great love,


ID: G6-3
Name: Rasyidah Ibrahim

Country: Brunei Darussalam

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